Who We Are
Introduction to Peacebuilding
Sierra Leone
- Latest News and Reports
- July 2009:
Managing Complexity: Political and Managerial Challenges in United Nations Peace Operations (Caty Clement and Adam C. Smith, eds., International Peace Institute and Geneva Centre for Security Policy) - July 2009:
Counting What Counts: Performance and Effectiveness in the Humanitarian Sector (Ben Ramalingam and John Mitchell, ALNAP Review of Humanitarian Action) - 22 July 2009:
Peacebuilding Commission Welcomes Secretary-General's Report on Crucial Two-Year Post-Conflict Period; Chairman Calls for Urgent Attention to Recommendations (UN General Assembly, PBC/55) - July 2009:
Sustaining Business and Peace: A Resource Pack on Corporate Responsibility for Small and Medium Enterprises (International Alert) - June 2009:
Does the UN Peacebuilding Commission Change the Mode of Peacebuilding in Africa (Severine M. Rugumanu, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
- July 2009:
- Recommended Readings
- 22 June 2009:
Consultation on the UN Secretary General’s Report on “Peacebuilding in the Immediate Aftermath of Conflict” (Geneva Peacebuilding Platform) - 11 June 2009:
Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding in the Immediate Aftermath of Conflict (United Nations General Assembly, Security Council) - 18 February 2009:
If Only There Were a BluePrint: Factors for Success and Failure of UN Peace-building Operations (Jaïr van der Lijn, Journal of International Peacekeeping) - January 2009:
Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation: No. 7 Peacebuilding at a Crossroads? (Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management) - 28 January 2009:
Outcome Report: Consultation on Promoting Gender Equality in Recovery and Peacebuilding (United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office)
- 22 June 2009: